Saturday 21 July 2018

Photographer Spotlight: Dawit N. M., How to Be an Effective “Outsider” CEO, Is Porsche Building its Own..

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by Staff, 22 hours ago  .  Save
A Great series by American photographer and director Dawit N. M. (pronounced dah-wheat). See more images from "The Hidden Branch" below. Dawit N. M.'s Website .. Read More →
OpenView Blog   Remove
by Devon McDonald, 19 hours ago  .  Save
Editor's Note: The following article is based on a recent episode of OpenView's BUILD podcast. You can listen to the full episode featuring Alex Shootman, CEO .. Read More →

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Motorward   Remove
by Arman Barari, 5 hours ago  .  Save
Over the past few years Singer Vehicle Design has turned itself from a small workshop into a world-class boutique automaker, and all thanks to their expertise .. Read More →
by Arman Barari, 5 hours ago  .  Save
It is a given that every new BMW gets an exclusive treatment from the folks at AC Schnitzer, even if that BMW is a super high-end model with amazing looks that.. Read More →
by Bruno Silva, 21 hours ago  .  Save
Off-roading is an extremely thrilling experience. The thrill of taking your big rig through terrain that most land vehicles find to be impassable is more than .. Read More →
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by stephen moyers, 16 hours ago  .  Save
Every year, website design and user interface change slightly; 2018 is no different, with trends emerging in design, typography, and colors. To design a websit.. Read More →
by Frank Landman, 20 hours ago  .  Save
When you think of artificial intelligence (AI), what do you envision? Depending on what generation you were born into, you might think of HAL 9000's glowing re.. Read More →
by Dmytro Spilka, 20 hours ago  .  Save
It's official. We love coupons. All of us. According to data compiled by experience optimization specialists, Invesp, 60% of the public 'love' receiving digita.. Read More →
by Brad Anderson, 22 hours ago  .  Save
Although FCC Chairman Ajit Pai stated, "I strongly support a free and open internet," the FCC officially repealed net neutrality on June 11th. The original net.. Read More →
PressGazette   Remove
by Foresight News, 19 hours ago  .  Save
Foresight News provides a look-ahead to the key events that need to be in your news diary for next week… On Monday, the 22nd International AIDS Conference open.. Read More →
by Charlotte Tobitt, 19 hours ago  .  Save
The Northern Echo has been sanctioned by the UK's largest press regulator after incorrectly dubbing a woman's 40th birthday celebration at a hotel an "orgy" an.. Read More →
by Freddy Mayhew, 19 hours ago  .  Save
The Grantham Journal has moved its office back onto the street where it was founded in 1854, and will be open to the public five days a week. The regional week.. Read More →
by Jessica Brown, 19 hours ago  .  Save
The first ever George Orwell Society Award for the Brunel University student journalist of the year has been won by recent graduate Adesayo Talabi. Talabi, who.. Read More →
by Charlotte Tobitt, 19 hours ago  .  Save
The Government has begun its fight against "alternative" news sources and "sensationalist" stories with a team of experts and data scientists monitoring and re.. Read More →
Discover Magazine   Remove
10 hours ago  .  Save
It has been not quite a half-century since human beings stepped foot on another planetary body for the first time. Forty-nine years ago today, to be exact. It .. Read More →
17 hours ago  .  Save
Many people have pointed out to me that there is a news frenzy about "fissures opening near Yellowstone". Now, considering that if this were happening, that wo.. Read More →
19 hours ago  .  Save
Hunting for exoplanets is a complex and time-consuming process. When an exoplanet candidate is detected, researchers have to observe it passing by its host sta.. Read More →
19 hours ago  .  Save
Since the announcement of its discovery earlier this month, the buried sarcophagus in Alexandria, Egypt, created a lot of speculation about who might be inside.. Read More →
19 hours ago  .  Save
Tomorrow, on Saturday, July 21, Moth Week will commence! Running until Sunday, July 29, Moth Week is a way for people of all ages all around the world to come .. Read More →
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جريدة الرياض : الأولـــى   Remove
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
حذر اقتصاديون من تداعيات انخفاض الرقم القياسي لأسعار المستهلك، مشيرين إلى انعكاس ذلك على ارتفاع معدل التضخم، وتقلص القدرة الشرائية للمستهلكين الذين لن يكون بمق.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
تمتلك المملكة الكثير من المقومات السياحية، والوجهات الجميلة ذات التنوع الكبير في الموارد الطبيعية، والتي تتوفر فيها عوامل الجذب السياحي، كوجهات فريدة من نوعها،.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
دانت رابطة العالم الإسلامي إقدام الكنيست الإسرائيلي سن قانون الدولة القومية للشعب اليهودي. وأكدت في بيان صدر عن أمانتها العامة في مكة المكرمة أن القانون المزعو.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
أكد مصدر مسؤول في وزارة الخارجية، رفض المملكة واستنكارها لإقرار الكنيست الإسرائيلي القانون المسمى «الدولة القومية للشعب اليهودي». وأضاف أن القانون يتعارض مع أح.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
أعلنت وزارة الحج والعمرة عن تخصيص رابط جديد لاستقبال طلبات الأشقاء القطريين الراغبين في أداء مناسك الحج هو كالتالي:، وذلك نظراً لقيام ال.. Read More →
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الرياض دولية   Remove
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
قُتل وأصيب العشرات من عناصر ميليشيا الحوثي ‏الانقلابية المدعومة من إيران، بينهم قيادات ميدانية بارزة بغارات جوية ‏لمقاتلات التحالف العربي، استهدفت اجتماعاً لهم.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
استشهد مساء أمس أربعة فلسطينيين وأصيب العديد في قصف مدفعي لقوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لعدة مواقع في شرق قطاع غزة وأخرى في شرق مدينة رفح. وأعلنت وزارة الصحة الفلس.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
أعلن الجيش اليمني إحرازه تقدماً غربي ‏مديرية باقم بمحافظة صعدة عقب معارك خاضها ‏الجمعة ضد ميليشيا الحوثي الانقلابية المدعومة من إيران. وقالت مصادر عسكرية يمنية.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
قُتل أربعة من أفراد الشرطة الأفغانية وأُصيب ستة آخرون خلال هجوم شنته حركة طالبان على مركز منطقة قره باغ في إقليم غازني شرق أفغانستان، وفقًا لما صرح به مسؤول أف.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 10 hours ago  .  Save
أفاد مصدر أمني عراقي بمحافظة صلاح الدين يوم الجمعة بمقتل شرطي وإصابة 3 آخرين في هجوم بالأسلحة الرشاشة بعد منتصف الليل (الخميس) على نقطة أمنية عند المدخل الشمال.. Read More →
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The Next Web   Remove
by Steve Gustavson, 3 hours ago  .  Save
In 1961, Alan Perlis, an early pioneer in computer science, advocated that computer programming should be a requirement of a liberal arts education. He believe.. Read More →
by Bryan Clark, 12 hours ago  .  Save
A Tokyo-based startup is hard at work developing a system that would deliver "shooting stars on demand." According to a report by Japan Times, the world's firs.. Read More →
by Rachel Kaser, 12 hours ago  .  Save
A teenager in Ohio fell victim to the oldest scam on record while playing Fortnite. Hopefully his loss will stand as a good lesson for the legions of other neo.. Read More →
by Tristan Greene, 13 hours ago  .  Save
Google's AI appears to be using its Translate platform to spread some good old-fashioned doomsday prophecy. We have no way of confirming that the world isn't c.. Read More →
by Bryan Clark, 13 hours ago  .  Save
According to a new study by Pew Research Center, social media users are angrier than they've ever been — at least as best as we can tell using emoji. Since the.. Read More →
8 more new stories. View all World News   Remove
13 hours ago  .  Save
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned countries against easing pressure on North Korea on Friday, citing sanctions violations that have allowed Pyongyang to im.. Read More →
13 hours ago  .  Save
Israel's military said it launched a wide-scale attack against Hamas after one of its soldiers was killed by fire from the Gaza Strip, an escalation that raise.. Read More →
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PandoDaily has been speaking truth to the new power. Its aim is to be the site of record for that st.. 
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