Sunday 29 July 2018

Inquiry report warns of 'crisis in our democracy' from 'campaigns of disinformation' as it recommends major..

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PressGazette   Remove
by Freddy Mayhew, 10 hours ago  .  Save
The head of the UK's "fake news" inquiry has said democracy is facing a crisis brought about by "campaigns of disinformation and messages of hate" targeted at .. Read More →
Motorward   Remove
by Bruno Silva, 1 hour ago  .  Save
Looking to have that musical power-drive on a road-trip? Or preparing to break a leg at your own house party? You must be on the lookout for a music system tha.. Read More →

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Discover Magazine   Remove
14 hours ago  .  Save
Search for the Rusty Patched bee, track flood impacts, or use your surfboard as a water quality sensor. Planning a trip to the beach, a park, or a campsite? He.. Read More →
BBC News » Technology   Remove
4 hours ago  .  Save
The obscure "input symbol for Latin capital letters" is now less popular than "aerial tramway" on Twitter Read More →
7 hours ago  .  Save
New laws must be introduced to clamp down on the "wild west" social media world, MPs say. Read More → World News   Remove
7 hours ago  .  Save
A shallow, magnitude 6.4 earthquake early Sunday killed at least 10 people and injured a dozen others on Indonesia's Lombok Island, a popular tourist destinati.. Read More →
7 hours ago  .  Save
Greece began to bury the victims of the devastating wildfires that raged through crowded resort areas, as the death toll continues to rise. Read More →
7 hours ago  .  Save
Pope Francis accepted the resignation of U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, taking an extraordinary disciplinary measure against a senior member of the Catholic.. Read More →
19 hours ago  .  Save
By most measures, President Trump's strategy for ending the war in Afghanistan has produced few positive results. But after 17 years of fighting, a new opportu.. Read More →
Dezeen Magazine | Architecture and Design Magazine   Remove
by Fiona Hartley, 4 hours ago  .  Save
We've created a Pinterest board dedicated to shutters, including a Spanish residence with bi-folding translucent shutters and a home with moveable corrugated m.. Read More →
by Jessica Mairs, 5 hours ago  .  Save
The pastel-green and white striped interiors of this Italian restaurant, designed by London architecture studio Red Deer, pay homage to the eatery's sister bus.. Read More →
by Dan Howarth, 14 hours ago  .  Save
US design studio BHDM was not shy with colour when renovating this hotel in Hawaii, where bold shades that echo the island chain's tropical flora and fauna wer.. Read More →
by James Brillon, 18 hours ago  .  Save
Mexican architects AM40 Taller de Arquitectura and Stephane Arriola have completed a vacation home in Jalisco, using traditional materials and aiming to distur.. Read More →
by Tom Ravenscroft, 18 hours ago  .  Save
Designers are increasingly looking to the human body when finding materials for their creations. Here are 10 of the most stomach-churning examples, featuring b.. Read More →
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The Next Web   Remove
by David Petersson, 2 hours ago  .  Save
Google, which has been long known for defending freedom of internet, recently removed access to a feature that was widely used to bypass censorship; domain fro.. Read More →
by The Conversation, 3 hours ago  .  Save
Andrew Biggin, University of Liverpool and Mark Hounslow, Lancaster University Underneath our feet, deep down in the Earth, liquid iron is producing the magnet.. Read More →
by Paul Reynolds, 17 hours ago  .  Save
When Google and Apple announced their mobile augmented reality (AR) platforms last summer, they rocked the 3D world. Almost overnight, Google's ARCore and Appl.. Read More →
by TNW Deals, 21 hours ago  .  Save
It's a whole new world — and the E-Commerce Bootcamp can walk you through the entire process. The complete package is available now for just $29, a 75 percent .. Read More →
by Michael Mothner, 22 hours ago  .  Save
Amazon introduced Prime Day in 2015 as a way to celebrate its 20th anniversary as a one-day sale with the aim of overshadowing Black Friday. The sale was avail.. Read More →
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Techmeme   Remove
5 hours ago  .  Save
Casey Newton / The Verge:Facebook and YouTube, with rules like the "three strikes policy" that assume good faith users, are unprepared for actors like Infowars.. Read More →
8 hours ago  .  Save
Daniel Funke / Poynter:After Facebook removed 196 pages and 87 accounts for policy violations in Brazil, far-right activists are harassing fact checkers not in.. Read More →
11 hours ago  .  Save
Wall Street Journal:In a bid to outsmart Amazon's product-ranking system, some sellers are turning to click farms, reviewers-for-hire, and even paying off Amaz.. Read More →
15 hours ago  .  Save
Sean Gallagher / Ars Technica:A deep look at Mueller's mid-July indictment of Russia's GRU officers and how they hacked the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and DCCC.. Read More →
19 hours ago  .  Save
Sushovan Sircarvakasha Sachdev / The Quint:Indian government committee publishes draft data protection law that recommends a data protection authority, right t.. Read More →
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جريدة الرياض : الأولـــى   Remove
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
خلال الآونة الأخيرة برزت «STC أعمال» وهي وحدة قطاع الأعمال في شركة STC كشريك رئيسي في رقمنة كافة قطاعات الدولة سواء القطاع العام أو القطاع الخاص بمنشآته الكبير.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
تدرس أرامكو الاستحواذ على حصة صندوق الاستثمارات العامة في شركة سابك البالغة 70 % وقد اختارت بنكي "جي بي مورغان" و"مورغان ستانلي" لتقديم المشورة في صفقة الاستحو.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
قُتل ستة من قيادات الميليشيا الحوثي الانقلابية إثر مواجهات مع الجيش اليمني، في ‏جبهة الملاحيط غرب محافظة صعدة، شمال اليمن.‏ وقالت مصادر عسكرية يمنية: إن القياد.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
علق الإعلامي والسياسي اللبناني جيري ماهر على تدخلات تنظيم حزب الله الإرهابي وزعيمه حسن نصر الله في الشأن اليمني ودعمه لميليشيات الحوثي الموالية لإيران والدعوات.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
دشن معالي الأمين العام لرابطة العالم الإسلامي الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالكريم العيسى، مشروع مركز الخدمات المتكاملة المخصص للاجئين الروهينغا في بنغلاديش، مشدداً.. Read More →
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الرياض دولية   Remove
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
ما زالت الاحتجاجات والإضرابات مستمرة في أنحاء إيران احتجاجاً على الأوضاع الاقتصادية المتردية وإنفاق أموال الشعب على التدخلات الخارجية وإثارة الحروب في دول المن.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
أكد عضو المجلس الوطني‌ للمقاومة‌ الإيرانية‌ حسين داعي‌ الإسلام أن تدخل نظام الملالي في بلدان المنطقة وإثارة الحروب فيها من الأعمال المعادية للشعب الإيراني، حيث.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
انتهكت قطر القوانين والأعراف الدولية، وتعدت على أمن واستقرار دول المنطقة منذ مجيء تنظيم الحمدين العام 1996، واعتمدت على دعم الإرهاب والجماعات المتطرفة في مد نف.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
أعلن مجلس سورية الديموقراطية الذي يقوده الأكراد أمس، إثر لقاء مع ممثلين عن النظام السوري، عن تشكيل لجان بين الطرفين لتطوير المفاوضات بهدف وضع خارطة طريق تقود إ.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 8 hours ago  .  Save
دعا زعيم ائتلاف الوطنية إياد علاوي، إلى إجراءات سريعة وحازمة تضع مصلحة العراق فوق كل اعتبار وتغيير مسارات العملية السياسية بما يضمن شموليتها وخروجها عن المحاصص.. Read More →
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Fox News » World   Remove
by CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, 1 hour ago  .  Save
Zimbabwe votes Monday in an election that could, if deemed credible, tilt the country toward recovery after years of economic collapse and repression under for.. Read More →
by KIRSTEN GRIESHABER, 3 hours ago  .  Save
Sophie Steiert opens a bag of kosher gummy bears and offers them to 20 other German teenagers seated around her in their high school classroom. Read More →
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Presidential politics and political news from News about political parties, political c.. 
O'Reilly spreads the knowledge of innovators through technology books, online services, and tech.. 
TechCrunch is a group-edited blog that profiles companies, products and events defining and transfor.. 
A Publication for Web Designers 
Posters, art prints, toys, and hype. 
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