Monday 23 July 2018

Newsquest boss rubbishes claims The Mail's news team is leaving Barrow as ‘complete cobblers’ after NUJ..

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PressGazette   Remove
by Sam Forsdick, 1 hour ago  .  Save
Regional publisher Newsquest has said claims it is moving reporters on The Mail (formerly the North-West Evening Mail) 30 miles away have been "blown out of al.. Read More →
ReadWrite   Remove
by Hredanth K Babu, 21 hours ago  .  Save
Generating Leads and converting them into business has been the top-notch feature of a CRM software. CRM software simply deals with the customer behaviour and .. Read More →

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Digital Photography School » Post Production Tips   Remove
by Adam Welch, 10 hours ago  .  Save
Lightroom is an ever-changing ever-morphing evolution of the cutting edge of digital image processing. Quite literally, it seems like Adobe releases new featur.. Read More →
Discover Magazine   Remove
20 hours ago  .  Save
Two years ago, a paper by Swedish neuroscientist Anders Eklund and colleagues caused a media storm. The paper, Cluster Failure, reported that the most widely u.. Read More →
Motorward   Remove
by Arman Barari, 6 hours ago  .  Save
Kia's electric cars are coming full force, as evidenced with the release of the Kia Niro EV in the Korean market. This is the prelude to the electric crossover.. Read More →
by Arman Barari, 6 hours ago  .  Save
These days every auto maker and tuner wants to build at least one super SUV. Overfinch wants that too, but their idea of what makes a SUV super differs from th.. Read More →
by Staff, 1 hour ago  .  Save
Tae Lee (previously featured here). My work is my exploration on the place of consciousness and humanity in this reality. These days I'm seeing the force of ca.. Read More →
by Staff, 2 hours ago  .  Save
Alvaro Naddeo Alvaro Naddeo's Website Alvaro Naddeo on Instagram Alvaro Naddeo at Thinkspace .. Read More →
BBC News » Technology   Remove
22 mins ago  .  Save
Airbus is developing a plane powered by solar energy. Read More →
4 hours ago  .  Save
Student Edward Whipple made the arm after seeing a Twitter appeal by Chloe Smith's mother. Read More →
4 hours ago  .  Save
Why podcasts are gaining in popularity - and a guide to what you should be listening to this summer. Read More →
4 hours ago  .  Save
All of the UK will have full-fibre broadband coverage by 2033 under a new national telecoms strategy. Read More →
The Next Web   Remove
by Abhimanyu Ghoshal, 4 hours ago  .  Save
You don't really need an excuse to revisit id Software's genre-defining FPS game, DOOM – but indie developer Dario Zubovoic's take on the classic is good enoug.. Read More →
by Abhimanyu Ghoshal, 4 hours ago  .  Save
Apple is believed to be adding some notable features to its Siri-powered HomePod smart speaker, including the ability to make and receive phone calls. That's f.. Read More →
by Tony Scherba, 19 hours ago  .  Save
Think you hate meetings? My colleagues and I were so sick of them that we teamed up with Chelsea Handler to build an excuse generator. Can you guess what one o.. Read More →
by TNW Deals, 21 hours ago  .  Save
No matter your industry, it's probably not going to hurt to know the project management process before that pivotal day comes when you need it. You can get edu.. Read More →
by Praful Krishna, 23 hours ago  .  Save
In the wake of Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal and congressional hearings, there's a palpable sense that the pressure slowly building around online data.. Read More →
جريدة الرياض : الأولـــى   Remove
by جريدة الرياض, 9 hours ago  .  Save
دشن وزير الخارجية عادل بن أحمد الجبير أمس، مقر مركز الاتصال والإعلام الجديد في وزارة الخارجية خلال الحفل الذي أقيم في ديوان الوزارة بالرياض بحضور عدد من أصحاب .. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 9 hours ago  .  Save
من أكثر المسارات التي يسعى الفكر المتطرف للعمل عليها وتطويعها لتحقيق أهدافه مسار توظيف النصوص الدينية، والوقائع التاريخية، بالإضافة للجدليات الفكرية الأكثر شيو.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 9 hours ago  .  Save
أعلنت مؤسسة النقد العربي السعودي «ساما»، عن صدور قرار تحديث الوثيقة الموحدة للتأمين الإلزامي على المركبات، والتي من المقرر بدء العمل بها اعتبارًا من تاريخ 15 /.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 9 hours ago  .  Save
أكد عدد من المحللين الاقتصاديين أهميةَ الصفقة المرتقبة والمتمثلة في استحواذ شركة أرامكو على حصة من شركة سابك، عملاق البتروكيميائيات السعودي، وذلك لكل الأطراف ا.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 9 hours ago  .  Save
مما لا شك فيه أنه لولا المواقف الحاسمة للمملكة تجاه تدخلات النظام الإيراني في دول المنطقة، لكان هذا النظام يفرض سيطرته الآن على اليمن وأجزاء كبيرة من العالم ال.. Read More →
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الرياض دولية   Remove
by جريدة الرياض, 11 hours ago  .  Save
مما لا شك فيه أنه لولا المواقف الحاسمة للمملكة تجاه تدخلات النظام الإيراني في دول المنطقة، لكان هذا النظام يفرض سيطرته الآن على اليمن وأجزاء كبيرة من العالم ال.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 11 hours ago  .  Save
مازالت الاحتجاجات الغاضبة مستمرة في أرجاء العراق، رغم القرارات الحكومية الأخيرة التي أُعلنت لتلبية مطالب المتظاهرين، حيث تسود حالة من عدم الثقة في تنفيذ هذه ال.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 11 hours ago  .  Save
طالب رئيس البرلمان العربي د. مشعل بن فهم السلمي إحالة جرائم ميليشيا الحوثي بشأن التجنيد الإجباري للأطفال في اليمن إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، وملاحقة مرتكبيه.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 11 hours ago  .  Save
قال رئيس لجان الحسبة وتزكية المجتمع في السودان، الشيخ عبدالقادر عبدالرحمن أبو قرون: إن المملكة حامية مقدسات المسلمين والمدافع عن هذا الدين بسياسة لا يعرفها أهل.. Read More →
by جريدة الرياض, 11 hours ago  .  Save
انتشرت شرطة الاحتلال الإسرائيلية الأحد بكثافة على أبواب المسجد الأقصى المبارك بالتزامن مع توافد مئات المستوطنين اليهود على المسجد في ذكرى ما يسمى "خراب الهيكل".. Read More →
1 more new stories. View all World News   Remove
1 hour ago  .  Save
North Korea, one of the world's most difficult business environments, looks promising to a number of South Korean corporations and their advisers with an eye o.. Read More →
1 hour ago  .  Save
Premier Li Keqiang called for an investigation into "the entire process chain of all vaccine production and sales," after a drug company allegedly sold more th.. Read More →
3 hours ago  .  Save
The Philippines moved closer to passing a law meant to end decades of conflict in the country's south, though a bout of political infighting interrupted the ra.. Read More →
3 hours ago  .  Save
A gunman opened fire on a busy Toronto street late Sunday night, killing one person and injuring 13 others, local police said. Read More →
3 hours ago  .  Save
In a tweet late Sunday night, President Trump warned his Iranian counterpart to be cautious in his country's approach to the U.S. or suffer consequences such a.. Read More →
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Techmeme   Remove
33 mins ago  .  Save
Greg Sandoval / Business Insider:Google Cloud to prevent its automated fraud-detection systems from suspending accounts with "established payment history" afte.. Read More →
3 hours ago  .  Save
Wolfie Zhao / CoinDesk:Baidu announces Totem Point token for users of its new Totem stock photo sharing service, which uses the company's blockchain for valida.. Read More →
6 hours ago  .  Save
Frederic Lardinois /, a startup bringing real-time analytics to IoT, raises $10M Series B led by Cambridge Innovation Capital with strategic.. Read More →
8 hours ago  .  Save
Eric Feng:Overview of the iPhone-fueled "golden age" of tech startups from 2009-2012, how FAANG firms succeeded in its aftermath, and why B2C startups still ha.. Read More →
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